I unpacked it with gusto. The contents never seemed to end! I got food and pajamas and comfy things for my futon and reading materials and all sorts of wonderful things.

I filled my cupboard with lovely American food (bottom shelf) as opposed to stupid Japanese food (other lame shelves).
Yay, things!!!

So to Mom, Dad, Sar-Sar, Mister, Nada, Christina, Grandma, Aunt Pie, and Aunt Kiki:
I will be enjoying your gifts and thinking of you (especially during the sad, sad time my last Pop-Tart will be getting eaten in between sobs). Love yous guys!
It was so much fun to shop for and put together a care package for you to enjoy. Your photos with the added artwork are hilarious!
Hi Lauren!
Wooo! I found your blog! And I only had to trawl through the smelly underbelly of cyberspace for two hours to do it!
What's that you say about my cretinous nature and saving time with phone calls? Booo I say! :P
In any case, keep up the great blogging, I myself am ashamed of my lackluster and behind schedule efforts, but I guess something has to give in between work, kickball and strenuos channel surfing in an endless search for Everwood.
Also let the record note that your parents rock! My 'care package' contained a (and I kid you not) a Koala glove-puppet and a pack of blue-tack. The sight of your oatmeal in particular makes me salivate like a comatose bloodhound.
Keep safe, warm and genki out there, and don't forget to call/visit sometime (or at least come down and play kickball! I miss your smiling face and adroit witticisms!
Your Australian/Scottish comrade,
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