Friday, June 8, 2007

Here's who's standing in front of the array of hot pre-made dinners at a local shop nightly:
  • ten or so salarymen without wives to cook for them
  • me


Anonymous said...

You're my hero?

Ailurus Fulgens said...

Awww... yes, I feel your pain; mind you, I guess technically I *am* a salaryman (or at least a man who earns a salary) so when I haul myself down to the bento shop maybe I totally blend. Or not. whatever. When my stomach growls I'm past caring.

Yo, anyway I'm sure I'll see ya soon, get yourself down to kickball this weekend and we'll catch up and be sarcastic together!

Keep up the blogging! Actually I think all my family and friends have switched over to reading your blog since you actually bother to update and stuff. Nice photography too, I'm totally stealing your snaps and passing them off as my own. ;)

Anonymous said...

dear lauren,
i will move to japan and be your wife.