Thursday, August 30, 2007

I made it rain by doing my laundry and hanging it outside to dry. All this time I could have been saving energy and money by putting my wet clothes on the balcony at night and waking up to them still wet due to the cloudy-skyed morning downpour! Awesome!

Actually I didn't really care because the rain meant it cooled down.

But then I guess I did actually care because then I couldn't complain about how hot I was and had to find something else to complain about. That something was not knowing what to eat for lunch.

And you thought Japan would turn commonplace. Puh.


Anonymous said...

So, I'm at my new job reading Audrey's blog (an excellent use of the taxpayers' money), and I followed the link that read Lauren. Sure enough! Here you are! I feel so awful I didn’t know about your blog sooner. I suck. I am, however, excited to be reading it now. Fort Collins misses you. More specifically, I miss you.

PS I'm going to keep the same posting name on your site that I use on Audrey's site. It's just easier. Heaven forbid I come up with something new!

Lauren said...

I miss you too Jessie! Thanks for being interested in my paltry adventures. I hope you're good. GOOD!