Saturday, November 24, 2007


There are a lot of maps on the walls in the school which makes sense. I stare at them a lot.

Occasionally I'm reminded of fourth grade geography where the lot of us got a laminated world map that resembled a placement. Not realizing that what I had in front of me was the world flattened out, I didn't understand why everyone kept rounding theirs into a cylinder -- and while I was all well and good with the countries we had been studying so far, I wanted to know what was on the other side. I kept flipping mine over expecting to see the rest of it, but it was just some map facts or something. Dur.

So anyway, the present maps! I stare and I stare and I kind of miss geography class. I decided I wanted quiz myself and I found this place and now I can't stop taking all the geographictastic quizzes! It's Saturday night and it's what I've been doing for the past two hours.

I wonder what normal people are like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best part is how exciting all the quizzes sound: World Continent Map Quiz! World's Biggest Islands Map Quiz! Really Exciting Geography Quiz!