My, what a splendid day! Good show, gov'na! Hear, hear! Capital, capital! And whatnot.
Woke up at a semi-reasonable hour and was delighted to see an illustrious rainy Sunday was on northeast Fukuoka's weather agenda. Goody! Rainy Sundays are one of those instant mood-uppers - like puppies. Or hugs. Or hugging puppies! Daw.
Talked to the pops (aka birthday man) and then Carl. Did some good milling about as well as some slight dilly-dalling around before deciding to take a trek from Hakata to Canal City -- a ginormous shopping center/theater building/architectural oddity -- to find a yoga mat. (Been doing a lot of yoga/Pilates-ing lately and needed a more stable surface to balance on than my futon and a more comfortable place to stretch on than my incredibly ouchy hardwood floor.) Please enjoy Canal City's homepage and note the header -- apparently I went to the ONLY place that is new and interesting in Fukuoka. Guess that means it's all downhill from here.
I navigated to the monstrosity well enough but actually finding the mat was a bit of a needle-in-a-haystack experience. Seriously, the place is huge. More good news though is that since I hate being "THAT guy" (in girl form) who keeps taking out a map and scrutinizing every street choice, my employing the "walk 'til I get where I'm going at some point" approach both there and back garnered the discovery of some absolutely charming places around Hakata that I had no knowledge of before. (Although I do realize I run the risk of thinking that merely because everything is pretty damn charming on a rainy Sunday. Also if you're thinking the alternative to being "THAT guy" in girl form probably closely resembles just being pretty lost and wandering, you're probably right.) Also passed two shrines and a temple thanks to the non-map route which will definitley need more exploration when I'm not carrying a giant, crinkly-noise-making bag with a kind of heavy thing in it, a purse, and an open, soaking umbrella.) Photographs shall be taken in the future if I can manage to take a similar path -- I quite intend to try. Charming, I tell you!
Anyway, then home for a nap. I wasn't particularly tired -- but it WAS a rainy Sunday and would have been practically sacrilegious not to embark on a sleepy-time endeavor, all cozy and such. Upon waking from crazy nap dreams that I can only WISH would have been about hugging puppies (although Crispin Glover did make an appearance) I made dinner and bought some new music with my fancypantsy gift card (thanks, babe!) Now will listen to said music and drink tea: rainy Sundays's's's's official beverage.
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Happy birthday, Lauren's dad!
I'm so glad you've finally discovered the only new and interesting place in Fukuoka. Think of all the time you've wasted already on boring and old places!
I know, seriously! I have my plans for the next six months set, and they all involved two magical words: Canal. City.
And sometimes one additional word: Mothertruckers.
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