Sunday, February 10, 2008

To enact the "art" part of my 2008 "art, running, music, listening" motto I went got some cheap art supplies a couple weekends ago and got ready to doodle a bit. It'd been ages since I'd drawn anything though, so when I sat down to really produce somethingI was kind of lost to how to start going about it. (Please note that I use the term "produce" lightly, as I'm no artist, I just used to do art-y things a lot more than I do now[never], and was inspired to start up again during a late-night trip to the craft aisle over the holidays at home by some girlfriends buying paint supplies because they were inspired to do some art stuff again too. My trip to an amazing contemporary art museum in Tokyo helped as wellllll.)

So I started looking around the japartment and thought I'd get back into practice by just drawing other art. I like to call my results "interpretations" of the originals, because they're clearly just lame copies, but WHATEVER it was fun to do and felt good to be art-y again! I'm not just a monkey in a suit! I can make ART! Woooo-eeee!

Here's my colored-pencil interpretation of a liner-notes page of a Dredg album:

And the original:

And a pastel crayon uh, thing, of a postcard I got in Prague:

And that's it! Heh. A supreme artress such as myself needs her rest, you know. So help me decide what to do next!

a) the cover of my Japanese-English dictionary:

b) a live poster on my wall:

or c) the front of a postcard I got from Kate:

Which one which one which one!??! I'm not actually in a big hurry. I just like to pretend that art makes me crazy and frantic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Color me impressed! (Get it? Color? Like an artist might do??)
I vote for the postcard from Kate.