Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Attempting to write about all that’s happened thus far seems too overwhelming to undertake so I’ll focus on a few small things.

I’m constantly in a state of amusement (though perhaps just because I’m easily amused). The observances of Japanese popular culture cultivates this, yes, as does my Australian co-trainee Shaun who, upon hearing of my fuzzy-teeth feeling after I drank my coffee, replied “just like the inside of a motorist’s glove.”

Training is going well enough, though a bit on the slow side. Less than a week and all shall be well. Tomorrow we teach our first observed lesson with Japanese students (real live ones!)

Today our trainer Gerry did a model lesson with two students, one including one of my own future students from Hakata school, Chu. Chu can also be referred to as the most adorable man on the face of the planet, yodaesque and 79 years old. I think I love him already, if for nothing more than the spirit of him coming out in rays and knocking me down with the feeling of not wanting to waste a moment of my life. He, in under ten seconds, solidified the rightness of my time here with his presence. It seems he could live a thousand more years and not squander any of it with fallow thought or action.

I talked to Mum today too on the phone and it was wonderful. I feel bad for not having called earlier.

I love everything right now, though I miss everyone heaps.


Audrey said...

Your description of Chu made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Good luck with your lesson tomorrow!

nw said...

Welcome to my RSS aggregator. You're wedged between the Council on Foreign Relations and the New York Review of Books.

Glad to see Japan is going well. Keep writing, I'll be reading.

I can't figure out how to comment except on a post where there's already a comment. Am I crazy?

Anonymous said...

love it, so glad to see you happy and doing well and feeling the rightness of the world. i shall be reading. also, emailing. i shall be nets-stalking from afar but in a non-creepy way.