Thursday, August 23, 2007


Pre-Hawaii Flight-Related Events
Lauren's students look like this when she informs them she is afraid of flying, particularly the several who work for various Asia-based airlines. Fear remains.

Midst-Hawaii Flight-Related Events
All flights (China Airlines Fukuoka to Taipei, Taipei to Honolulu, reverse and repeat) are successful and not death-inducing at all. Lauren even thinks some American pilots could take a couple of tips from Chinese pilots on smooth take-offs and landings. Fear subsides a bit.

Post-Hawaii Flight-Related Events
Lauren reads news about a China Airlines Taipei-departed, Japan-bound airplane and is torn between being horrified about the circumstance or delighted to be able to be all HA HA IN YOUR FACE, STUDENTS, NOW WHO'S THE COMPLETELY RATIONAL ONE!? Fear resumes, ten-fold. Students now look like this.

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