Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I never drank Fanta before coming to Japan. I think you know why:

Guh. It's not even one of those annoying commercials that sells a product because it's so annoying you go ahead and buy the product based on the advertising that was effectively bashed into your skull juuuuusst enough to make you remember it, but not completely hate it ("one Chia Pet, please.") Instead it's one of those annoying commercials that cross the hate line where you're all "wow, I'm never, never, never, never supporting that product based on the advertising alone."

HOWEVER. When I moved here, my carbonated beverages options were severely limited. I could have Pepsi, Pepsi NEX (like Diet Pepsi but tastes worse), Coca-Cola, No Calorie Coca-Cola (like Diet Coke but tastes worse) or...Fanta. That's it. No 7-Up, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, Sprite, or any flavored or diet variation of those. And don't even think about searching for root beer or Sunkist (SOON-KEIST)...you'd be laughed (or confusedly stared at) out of your prefecture. So I eventually caved. And I started drinking Fanta. AND OH, THE SHAME.

...Luckily, I've recently found vindication in the following Japanese Fanta Commercials:


1 comment:

b. said...

those commercials are actually the reason why people should drink fanta all of the time. those commercials are amazing.