Sunday, November 11, 2007


For YEARS I've been searching for the perfect accompaniment to macaroni and cheese.

In theory, good ol' mac 'n cheese should be perfectly fine on its own -- how can you go wrong with pasta that has the ability to depict a smile or frown smothered in artificial, neon-orange cheese?

But there was always something off when eating the most complicated meal I know how to cook. Its consistency was just so dang mushy I felt like I was either eating baby food or was in the position to be able to give my dentures the day off. It needed another flavor, some crunch, some thing to make it a full, substantial meal.

I tried, it felt like, everything.

The standard hot dog slices proved not to add enough difference in texture. Bread crumbs weren't a drastic enough addition. Trying a sprinkle of salt and pepper was insulting to both the dish and my creativity. And the can of corn a friend suggested be added just ruined the whole pot.

For awhile I moved outside the bowl, thinking a side dish could be the missing link. Salad (too healthy), bread (too many carbs), pretzels and Fritos (too stand-alone-snacky to be included as part of a meal) were all utter failures too. I needed to dive back in.

But after so many failures, I finally resigned myself into accepting that every time I ate the so-nearly-ok cheese and macaroni lunch or dinner, my palate would feel just a smidge unsatisfied.

I pondered this today as I heated the water for my midday meal, so suggested by Carl instead of a bagel with hummus (see? never have to wonder what accompanies bagels) since it was cold out.

Waiting for the water to boil, my eyes wandered to the giant carton of baked Goldfish I'd picked up a couple weekends back. I'd scarcely eaten any because they were a little flavorless and didn't really go with any of the dinners I'd been eating recently. But then I wondered, oh, I wondered...after the draining and the cheese-powder-pack emptying and the margarine and the milk would a handful of those Goldfish do?

Perfectly, it would seem.

Or, in other words:

The search is over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The thought of goldfish crackers in mac and cheese disgusts me nearly as much as Tim's insistence to ruin his bowl of mac by adding a can of tuna. You people are gross.